NPK75 utilizes nano-technologies to improve the agricultural industry worldwide.
Application of these nano-technologies has been called a “revolution” and a “paradigm shift” in the agricultural industry by top government officials and scientists in several countries.
NPK75 can be used in all types of agriculture, landscaping, forestry, greenhouses, gardens, sport turf and park grounds.
NPK75 can also be used in hydroponics, aeroponics, and fogponics to give optimum availability of minerals to the plants through the roots and leaves.
Two-Stage Process Patented Technology
Dry Stage
Wet Stage
The minerals are blended in a vortex chamber using compressed air and resonating frequencies for pulverization.
The minerals become micron-sized dry powder.
The micronized minerals are sent through a liquid mixing process to nano-size the minerals in solution.
The particles implode further to nano-size. The water is “activated” with the nano-size minerals.
Dry Stage
The minerals are blended in a vortex chamber using compressed air and resonating frequencies for pulverization. The minerals become micron-sized dry powder.
Wet Stage
The micronized minerals are sent through a liquid mixing process to nano-size the minerals in solution.
The particles implode further to nano-size. The water is “activated” with the nano-size minerals.
This final liquid concentrate is ready to mix with more water and applied as a foliar spray on the crops or plants.
NPK75, is a “Dynamite” solution for incredible plant growth without the use of harmful chemicals!
What is NPK75?
When NPK75 is mixed with water and applied as a foliar spray to leaves or added to the soil, up to 78 nano minerals become readily available to the plants. The amount of required water and pesticides are reduced and your plants will grow bigger, stronger, and healthier.
The organic materials in our soil that plants rely on for growth are decreasing
Unlike most fertilizers, NPK75 is a nutrient-rich spray that can also be directly applied at the root
Fruits and vegetables are becoming less nutritious
NPK75 contains all the organic minerals your garden needs – once the parenchyma tissue and your soil are enriched with these organic fertilizer minerals, they will pass their life-giving energy into the plants and into your meal
Soil nutrient shortages will eventually cause dependency on nutrient rich countries
When gardeners and farmers utilize NPK75. they’re paving a healthy and independent pathway for their plants and crops
1) The organic materials in our soil that plants rely on for growth are decreasing
2) Fruits and vegetables are becoming less nutritious
3) Soil nutrient shortages will eventually cause dependency on nutrient rich countries
1) Unlike most fertilizers, NPK75 is a nutrient-rich spray that can also be directly applied at the root
2) NPK75 contains all the organic minerals your garden needs – once the parenchyma tissue and your soil are enriched with these organic fertilizer minerals, they will pass their life-giving energy into the plants and into your meal
3) When gardeners and farmers utilize NPK75. they’re paving a healthy and independent pathway for their plants and crops
NPK75 Compared to Other Fertilizers
Produced better Seed germination
Improved root formation
Facilitated plant growth and development
Increased yields
Improved product taste characteristics
Inhibited bacterial and fungal diseases
Reduced the level of heavy metal accumulations
Reduced the level of radionuclide accumulations
Increased drought resistance of plants
Increased soil fertility
Increased the cold resistance of plants
Other Benefits of NPK75
Acts as antidote upon application in tank mixtures with pesticides